Freelance software developer              
Freelance software development           
C++, Java (J2EE,J2SE,JSP,Servlets), Perl and PHP
Linux, MacOS, MacOSX, Windows, iOS, Android       




Most of the following projects where implemented on a contract basis.

ASP Java (J2EE/J2ME/J2SE) Perl PHP Administration


CurriculumVitae / Skills
Stefan Sonntag
Computer Scientist
(Freelance software developer)
Weserstr. 35
10247 Berlin
Description Language
Implementation of a link between the merchandise management of a tyre merchant and the B2B platform "" using C++ (Windows), Boost, POCO, PHP, SOAP, MySQL and Firebird. PHP/C++ (Windows, Boost, POCO)
Sofware development for compNETCAD.

A platform for educational videostreams has been created, so that teachers could upload educational videos and student could view the videos as streams. The uploaded videos where converted into the FLV format using ffmpeg.

Student could browse a video gallery and teachers where able to activate, deactivate and delete videos. The streaming was done by a Flash-SWF that was created on the fly via MING.

The portal was implemented using PHP and MySQL on Redhat Enterprise Linux.
Sofware development for compNETCAD.

Implementation of an accounting plugin for the SIP IP-PBX-server from brekeke in Java.

The accounting data was stored in a MySQL database and could be browsed with a frontend programmed in PHP.
Collaboration on a portal system to sell mobile content like logos, ringtones and java games.

With the system partners can provide their own content. Therefore microsites with web components like selection of a mobile phone are provided. My tasks where:

Automatic import of the products of various mobile content providers from their XML feeds and assign them to compatible mobile phones.

Implementation of the payment systems PayPal, T-Online SAM and premium SMS.

Delivery of the content to the mobile phone via services from the companies Net-m and IPX.

Web-Komponente zur Auswahl eines Mobiltelefons und dazu kompatibler Kategorien/Produkte.
Collaboration on the Big Brother site:

Design and implementation of a SOAP-Interface to the Endemol Entertainmant Club to register, log in and query of users.
Acquisition of user behaviour on the web site and transfer of the data to a CRM-System.

Collaboration on the MTV-StreetLive site:

Implementation support of the community functionality like registration and login, Upload and commenting pictures.
Design and Implementation of a SOAP-Interface to send SMS newsletters
Implementation of a catalog system for BIFAB:

BIFAB articles can be bought at different online bookstores.

The catalog offers thematic and brand specific views of the articles. Selected articles can be placed on the starting pages as teasers.

A web interface allows BIFAB employees to administrate the views as well as the teasers.

To save CPU time the views can be generated as mostly static pages vie the web interface, so that all text and links are static and only the session handling and parameter passing is handled dynamically.
Porting an intranet news system from PHP to JSP for BASF-Pharma PHP/JSP
Online shop for Rheinhessenwein: The shop has the possibility to order the selected articles or to store a wishlist on the server and to mail it to friend. PHP

Visitors of the website from Brockhaus can search in a directory of web links with various topics.

The visitors can suggest new links. Brockhaus employees can enable the suggested links with an web interface.

The links can be exported and imported as an Excel sheet.
Purchase special Brockhaus documents via Firstgate:

Before purchasing the visitor can search the document pool for keywords.

The table of contents and a summary of the documents found can be viewed. After the purchase the hole document can be downloaded.

The administration of the documents is done with a web interface.
Wine finder:

The wines of vintagers from the "Pfalz", a german region, can be selected with an unusual and efficient search method.

A list of the selected wines and the offering vintagers can be viewed.

The vintagers can administrate their wines with a web interface.
Implementation of a flexible content management system, that generates html pages from PHP templates.

The system is used to manage news, a guestbook, restaurants, wine festivities and an online shop for the sites and
Development of a web based system for entering and evaluating working time.

Employees can enter the time they worked on active projects. The projects are assigned to customers.

Employees can browse through their booked working time with daily, weekly and monthly views. They can also edit their entries. Every employee can evaluate his working time with a combination of several criterions like customer, project and time intervall for example.
Implementing parts of the dynamic website for the scientific publisher Wiley-VCH, e.g. the journals section. PHP
Installation of a newsletter system for BIFAB and their publishers Duden, Brockhaus and Meyer with the OpenSource software Sympa.

Enhancing Sympa to gather statistical information about subscriptions and unsubscriptions.

Implementation of a web interface to administrate the subscribers and to view the statistics.
Implementation of a generic script to send form variables as an email with optional logging of the variables into a text file.

The Text of the email body is provided by a text template that can reference the form variables.

To prevent spamming through this script, it only allows sending emails to adresses stored in a configuration file and to protect the recipients, their email addresses are not stored in the html pages.


StefanSonntag C++, Java, Perl, PHP-native speaker